Seminars-trainings within the project "Social activity and development of students in educational institutions" continue.

Sumgayit State University hosted trainings on “Development of Digital Skills, Cyber Security” presented by Lala Karimova, Chief Adviser of the Strategic Analysis, Innovation and Digitalization Department of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, "Speech in front of the audience, speech culture" presented by Yadigar Mammadli, head of the Information Support Department of the Baku International Center for Multiculturalism, chairman of the League of Democratic Journalists.

They were taught that there is a great demand for digital talent in the ICT sector. In order to close the growing gap between the digital skills that employers need and the number of candidates with the required technical knowledge, professionals from all fields, even those without higher education, were instructed on the importance of acquiring such digital skills and what to do about it. The importance of cybersecurity, which has become a global problem, and ways to protect oneself in cyberspace have been key priorities in training. Students were told that the culture of speech is the most important and leading part of the general culture of the people. Along with the culture of speech, this concept includes the culture of writing, and people with such a high quality have a chance to take an active and productive part in the public life of society, in any of its spheres. They were also instructed on how to overcome the fear of speaking in front of an audience.

Qeyd edək ki, Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi tərəfindən elan edilmiş “Təhsilin inkişafı üzrə ictimai təşəbbüslərin dəstəklənməsi” qrant müsabiqəsinin qalibi olmuş Beynəlxalq Avrasiya Mətbuat Fondunun həyata keçirdiyi “Təhsil müəssisələrində tələbələrin sosial fəaliyyəti və inkişafı” adlı layihənin icrası uğurla davam etdirilir. Məqsəd tələbələrin sosial fəaliyyətlərinin yaxşılaşdırılması, inkişaf etdirilməsi və sosial məsuliyyəti dərk edərək cəmiyyət üçün faydalı işlərin gorülməsinə cəlb edilməsidir.

The first trainings started in Ganja, the ancient city of Azerbaijan. 65 students were trained at Ganja State University and Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.

The next trainings are planned to be held at Baku State University.