To date, 46 trainings have been held within the project "Social activity and development of students in educational institutions." The next trainings will be held at the Baku Higher Oil School. A total of 747 students participated in the trainings held under the project.

The trainings were held at Baku Slavic University with the participation of 41 students. At Baku Slavic University, vice-president of the IEPF well-known TV journalist Gunel Gozalova presented “Choosing the right career and evaluating”, the specialist of the Department of Information Security of AZINTELECOM LLC under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport Arzu Rahimli and Jabir Agazade on the presentation “Development of digital skills. Cyber security " topics were conducted.

They were told about the digital secular significance and current significance for our society. In order to close the growing gap between the number of candidates with the required technical knowledge, experts from all fields, even those without higher education, were instructed on the importance of acquiring such digital skills, as well as what to do in this direction. Cybersecurity, which has become a global problem, and ways to protect oneself in a cyber environment have been key priorities in training. They also learned how to build their careers. Students were told that a career is not just a career advancement. Extracurricular activities are also an integral part of a career and have a significant impact on an employee's career. They were first instructed on where to start, how to determine where they could go, and how to study the labor market.

It should be noted that the implementation of the project "Social activity and development of students in educational institutions" implemented by the International Eurasian Press Foundation, winner of the grant competition "Support to public initiatives for the development of education" announced by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The aim is to improve and develop students' social activities and involve them in community service by understanding social responsibility. It is also planned to organize meetings of selected students with the heads of a number of government agencies. At the end of the project, summer courses will be organized and certificates will be awarded to students selected with active participation.