BOKT INTERNATIONAL CJSC in Baku, Absheron, Sumgayit and regions (Lankaran, Masalli, Salyan, Shirvan, Bilasuvar, Jalilabad, Astara, Guba, Khachmaz, Imishli, Beylagan, Barda, Agjabadi, Tartar, Yevlakh, Goychay, Mingachevir, Ganja, Shamkir , Tovuz and Gazakh) announces a vacancy as a loan officer.

Launched an internship program to attract young talents who have just graduated from higher education and secondary specialties and have no work experience.

Job information:

- Promotes the organization's credit products, attracts customers, performs direct marketing and sales functions;

- Informs applicants about the terms of the loan product;

- Controls the quality of the loan portfolio;

- Execute the tasks given by the management accurately and correctly;

- Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

- Work schedule: days 1-5 from 09:00 to 17:00, day 6 from 10:00 to 16:00.


- Gender: Female and Male candidates;

- Age: between 20-35

- Must have a new higher education and secondary special education institution;

- Analytical intelligence, ability to work with clients;

- Ability to perform mathematical calculations;

- Have the ability to sell.

Those who successfully complete the internship program will be provided with jobs in our organization.

Read more:əcrubə-proqrami-international-bokt/